Meaning of things

10:45 PM 1 Comments A+ a-

Lately, I've been busy traveling back and forth between Seremban and Shah Alam. Sometimes when I got through the days, I kept forgetting to live and appreciate every moment that I have. When I do things, do I really mean it or am I simply doing it for the sake of doing it?

It might not sound like such a big deal. But doing things when you mean it brings a whole lot of difference to my work and to my feelings. It makes me enjoy the things that I do and make me not regard the work as a burden.

Sometimes I wonder what happen to all the positivity I used to have. I still have them in me but I'm slowly getting away from it. It's scary and demotivating. I would start questioning myself why am I doing this? Should I just give up? What's the point? I need a change in my mindset. Simply passing by the time would not do me any favours. I should just let it go and start a new chapter afresh. Being sad and grumpy will not help anything. I should turn a new leaf.

Say hello to a new start.


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February 16, 2014 at 6:18 AM delete

Your blog header is love <3
