Daily Lesson: All-Star.

3:58 AM 1 Comments A+ a-

I still remember my first earrings and the day I got my ears pierced. The earrings were little gold stars. Cute enough for me even though it wasn't me who chose them but come to remember it, I miss my earrings.. That was a long time ago before I found out I'm actually kind of allergic to accessories (watches, bracelets, earrings etc). If I keep wearing them, I'll develop rashes on my skin and have to endure the unbearable itchiness.  So, when I so badly want to wear them, it's only for a short while. -.-

I'm obsessed with little things. I love miniatures! They're so adorable. :3 But I never really started a collection of little things and even if I did, they would usually disappear and are nowhere to be found because they're so small! 

The thing is, that's not the main point for today's lesson. I'm just having a good time reminiscing my old buddies. :')

So.. All-star. Exactly what am I going to say on this?

The quality of service.

There are times when the restaurant is flooded with customers and we are not able to entertain everyone so the best we can do is to try our best to satisfy everyone. That is if it's possible which is sort of impossible most of the times. Why? To start off, we don't have enough workers to make eating at the restaurant a pleasure for all the diners. Secondly, impatient customers are impatient! I mean, it's not like we're not trying to get to them as soon as possible, they themselves can see how we rush to and fro just to fulfill their needs.

In times like these, there's one thing we need and that's efficiency. To make the moment endurable for everyone including the staff, we (the staff) need to learn and practise to be efficient. That's when all the previous lessons come in handy - be quick, be relaxed, and manage your time wisely (and lots more)! It's the ability to be flexible and understanding which're going to help you go through the misery. -.- Plus, don't be stubborn and just admit whatever fault they're putting on you! You're not going to see them everyday anyway so it's alright to just say sorry even if the mistake is not yours. It's hard really to admit something you never do (btw customers are always right, say whaaaa), it does challenge your ego but yeah, it's only a temporary job. *sigh

Moral of the story, treat others the way you want to be treated and it's going to be alright. And haven't you heard? Karma's a bitch. So, heheheh

And this is how I relieve my stress. Once in a while won't hurt. Take a break. Okaaaay no, everyone knows I'm hantu aiskrim and chocolate! dashdotdash.

Yours Truly,


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May 31, 2013 at 7:19 AM delete

'Treat others the way you want to be treated'

True true. When customers are rude to waiters, that's not right either! So we must all be polite and respectful no matter who we are because at the end of the day, we're all human beings with a JOB!
