My 9-star Muffins! rated by my youngest brother, Umar.
It has been a bright Sunday for us here in Seremban! The weather's lovely albeit it got a little too hot as it reached midday. I've been eating a lot of sweet things I bake lately that I'm so worried that Raya is finally around the corner (and the fact that Ramadan is ending so soon)! I have not weighed myself because I know what the pointer will show so let's not risk my happiness and right after the first day of Aidilfitri, I'm set to being all strict about my diet again. I hope kaknga missed the point that I'm pretty sure I've gained back those naughty pounds. You know they say don't give up, so let's not give up! Pretty positive I'll pull off this challenge like a lady. Hahah
A picture of Umar from a while ago. Hello, Commander! *salute
It was almost 5 in the evening when I went out to Tesco to get some ingredients for my muffins. And according to my original plan, I want to bake muffin cones! You know, putting the batter into ice cream cones and bake them in the oven. Well, I couldn't find cones with flat bottom! :( So disappointing. I ditched the plan and just bought Nona's muffin cake mix (I simply couldn't focus on making muffins all from scratch), butter, oreo and milk. It's pretty simple when you use cake mix though. You just have to mix the flour with water, eggs and vegetable oil. Nothing fussy!
Meanwhile, for my buttercream, all you need are:
- 140g butter
- 240g icing sugar
- A teaspoon of vanilla essence
- 2 spoons of milk
Mix the butter first with your mixers. Later on, pour in your icing sugar until the mixture's is smooth. Then, just add on the rest into the mixture, you're good to go! :D
In my opinion, the best part about baking cupcakes or cakes is decorating them. It's so fun and creative and you get to do whatever design you like!
I feel like one of those chefs in The Next Great Baker when I spread the buttercream onto the muffins. Well, a girl can dream. And if you're feeling like adding nuts, chocolate chips etc into your muffins, feel free to do so! Like mine, I had walnuts. So, I call them walnut muffins with buttercream. Even the name sounds fancy and complicated to me (padahal tak pun). :B
Another thing is I really hope I can win this one giveaway contest on Instagram. Hahah My photo looks so funny I couldn't stop laughing. I couldn't believe I was confident posing like that. It's nothing daring but yeah, it's funny!
And then, I helped my brother design his Independence Day card for a competition at his school. I'm not sure whether he can pass as a champion but at least it's something (he was sleeping all the way through the night, me and my mum were the ones working diligently finishing his work. Talk about teamwork. Right. -.-).
Aww. My Malaysia is 56 years old already. Let's preserve our Independence so that our next generations do not suffer from our misdeeds.
I hope you all have a fantastic day tomorrow! Au Revoir. :D