
4:50 AM 2 Comments A+ a-

Today is a bad day (okay, maybe not so bad).  I always lose my temper especially towards my brothers. I just feel like everything is not going well. I can't forgive myself (ah the drama!). And then, the hairdresser gave my hair a touch of the 80s or 90s I don't know (I look like a nanny). -.- 

I'm downright depressed. 

I wish for a Ramadan where I could control my anger, be patient and always always always stay close to Allah. Sometimes I feel like I'm going too far and I don't deserve good treatments from Him. I need to take a deep breath and think positive. 

Let's just move on to positive things that have been taking place in my life.

Yesterday, my mum received a very happy news. She has been waiting for that moment all her life. She got admitted into UiTM to pursue her degree. Yes, this means my mum and I will be attending the same campus. Haha

I am truly happy for my mum. She could have applied to pursue degree a long time ago but she held back because she wanted to take care of her children; to take care of us. We were young and my dad didn't seem to approve her wish to continue her studies. So now, the chance is finally here. Alhamdulillah. :)

She'll be doing PJJ (long distance education). So, every two weeks or so, she will have to come to the campus to attend lectures. It's wonderful really. I couldn't ask for more. 

Lately, I've been feeling like I'm racing against time. For real. I guess it's because of the duty as a 'good' daughter I have to play. Hours before Iftar, I would have to go out to shop for groceries, once home, I would have to start preparing the food. It usually doesn't take that much time but sometimes I proscrastinate. So, something that can be done quick takes hours to be completed. It's fun actually.  :B

For the past few days, I've been trying a lot of recipes namely cinnamon rolls, mee hailam, butterbeer, butterscotch syrup, bihun goreng singapore, kuih cek mek molek, muffins, molten chocolate cake etc. I just don't have enough time to blog about them. Maybe I don't have too. Hee!

My third video project is still not done and I am waaaay past my deadline. Die.


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July 31, 2013 at 5:12 AM delete

alaaaaa , post lah recipes ! nak recipes butterscotch syrup !

July 31, 2013 at 3:29 PM delete

Hahaha ok, nanti aku post.
