The Cycle of Laziness

1:37 PM 2 Comments A+ a-

I've wanted to blog since my last entry here but I was caught up in a lot of things. Time has definitely not been generous enough to me. Most of my college documents have been settled and it's such a relief to know that. And whenever I'm making a move to update my blog - BOOM! Meet my frenemy, Laziness. I usually just call her Lazy. It's not a surprise though but who actually procrastinates during holidays?! My 5-month break should have been about making new friends, having fun, going on adventures. Instead, I often found myself lying on the couch, watching TV or googling random things like why is teddy bear called teddy bear and the list goes on. Sadly.

But of course, there have been productive days like that day when I ...yeah forget it.

En la repetición.
Since my lengthy break is ending in a few days time, I made a drawing of the cycle of laziness my style. As expected like many of my friends, being online tops the chart. I can feel that I'm getting sick of doing just that. Hopefully when classes start, I would be so sick of the internet that I wouldn't even bother to turn on my packet data. *cross fingers


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September 7, 2013 at 4:24 AM delete

Surprisingly I haven't been that lazy on my break. I use the time to be a bit more active in the kitchen and in the fitness department! Win win! :)

September 9, 2013 at 5:21 AM delete

Yay to cooking and exercise! They never get lame. :D
