A Start.

7:07 AM 0 Comments A+ a-

Okay. First off, I don't know what is wrong with me but I deleted all my previous posts and attempt to start a new blog in a different category; art. I have no idea why on earth I would want to start an art blog. I guess I have a hard time controlling my dose of creativity from oozing out of my ears. Ergh. So, you'll be seeing me posting my art work from now on and maybe a little rantings and whatnot. But this blog will mostly be about art. My art.

This is my current inspiration board. I used the cardboards from my brothers' purchased bedsheet and pillow covers. I taped both of the cardboards together so it becomes thicker and I get to pin stuff onto it. This has two sides; the side you're looking at is the back side and the other side will be about stuff that inspire me etc.

I wrote using soft pastels. And that heart is supposed to look more like earth than just a few green dots with blue background. :P And those four words will be my magic words for God knows how long.

Love, FR.