7 Things I Like About Being a Waitress
Being a waitress can be such a chore at times but when you get the hang of it, it's kinda fun! I'm listing down all the positive things I can find from this job.Note: The list is not in order. I simply type from what I can gather from my 7-day experience. *I'm still a waitress don't get me wrong, haven't quit!
7. Tips
Being a waitress, I can never say I don't like getting tips from generous customers! It's practically one of the good things about this job. Well, if you're lucky and the customers happen to see you working so hard, they usually leave several coins and notes in the bill holder. That's one of the times you can see most of the staff smiling to the ear. Okay fine, maybe it's just me. :P
6. Free Drinks
Most restaurants provide free meals for their staff! Like the restaurant I'm working at, we can drink any time we want and there's no limit to that, provided that the drinks are soft drinks or mineral water. Hahaha I guess that's a good way to keep their business. Just imagine the staff being allowed to drink whatever fancy drinks they offer in the menu. We'd be running out of stock every single day without fail. I guarantee!
5. Free Food
Most importantly, we're allowed to get free food during our break and sometimes if you're going home for break or your shift is over, you're allowed to claim for your free meal of the day! Talk about heavenly feeling. Ahaks. (this can be easily be merged with list number '6. Free Drinks' but I'm trying to make working as a waitress sound more appealing than it is and I don't even know why?)
4. Interesting People
This is one of the nicest things that has happened to me. I just love going out and getting to know people. It makes your life feel wonderful. I mean, of course there are mean people but who cares about them? There is an awful lot of good people out there! And if you don't make friends, you'd always think some people are snobs when they're actually not. First impressions deceive! I've learnt that people are actually fun to be around with. You just need some time to make them feel comfortable around you and after that, everything's cool. :D
From left: Punk, Religious, Nerd, Freestyle
3. Time Appreciation
You know, we always overlook the value of something until we lose it. Well, I can say the same thing about time! Talk about being a part-time procrastinator. Hehe I admit that I have poor time management but I get better with that when I'm so busy and I realise that there's no way I can accomplish something if I don't start moving now! I'd like to propose that being busy is a good way to help you improve your time management skills. It never fails to work. Not once. But just don't overwhelm yourselves under piles of work, you might break down and that's not good. *shakes head
2. Knowledge
We learn new things every day. It's up to the individual whether he/she wants to take note of it or not. So far, I've learnt how to set the tables, take orders, buzz (the fast way), prepare drinks, deliver orders, reduce leg pain and shoulder pain (I got those pains a lot during my first 3-4 days of working), not get panicked when you restaurant is flooded with customers, keep your head down and say sorry over and over to angry customers because of something you accidentally do and NOT fight back, move with the times, and a lot more. The same thing happened when I was at college too when I changed my intention of going to school and reminded myself that I attended the classes because there would always be something new to learn from the lecturers and it wouldn't hurt to sit in the class and listen.
My Picaso-inspired drawing.
*nah, I'm just kidding! :P
1. Money
I am not materialistic. Okay wait, maybe a little bit. Well, who can help that?! So, let's do some comparison here. Let's take 12 hours for an example. Say, I'm jobless and I stay at home for 12 hours, of course I can help my mum with the house chores and whatnot but most of the time, I'll just be online. If I'm feeling studious, maybe I'll bother checking websites like BBC, Malaysian Insider, The Star etc. But if not, yeah that's the problem. Now, I work. In 12 hours, I get paid RM4 something per hour regardless of the amount I'm still getting paid. Although I have to bear some pains but that's alright. My parents told me back in their days, people my age worked from morning till midnight and they didn't mind the hours. Oh the irony! I don't know where these people got their perseverance from. What I know is that every day I try to get permission from my manager to come home early. Erm, my workmates do complain or I think it's more like a form of advice. Okay, I'm not sure which is which. *grins
Erm, I'll say not so. But it is important to maintain your level of survival at some point!
In conclusion, if I didn't get this job, you wouldn't be reading 7 Things I Like About Being a Waitress on my blog. So, Happy Sunday, Happy Mothers' Day and Happy International Nurses Day to everyone!
Au Revoir.
Love, FR.
Write commentsYou got tips? I have never gotten any tips eversince I started my work as a barista. Instead, I got a note today left by a very valuable customer written, "nice service" -.-
Replyhahahahahahha apa customer kau ni! Hahaha yep I did. hehee :P